Saturday Night Fever

You guys have a Moses effect!
The crowd parts like the Red Sea.

- They know the Faces.
- Do you like it, Father?

Do I look like your father? Please don`t
call me that. I never could stand that.

But, yeah, I think the place
is energising!

Hey, Tony.
- Hey.
- Hey.

Are you as good in bed
as on the dance floor?

Are you? Are you as good in bed
as you are on the dance floor?

He never made it in a bed.
Watch this. This isn`t
my regular partner, but you`ll see.

- What are you going to have to drink?
- ``7 7``.

Where is she?
So, when is Connie going to get
her answer?

- You know, Connie?
- Yeah?

If you`re as good in bed as you are on
the dance floor, you`re one lousy fuck.

Why do they always send flowers
the next day?

Some guys don`t know a lousy fuck.
Or maybe they thought you were dead!

Father, listen.
My girlfriend is such a good Catholic,
she says she loves Communion wafers.

- Mr Manero, can I talk to you?
- What`s he doing?

Forget this!
Give the kid some room.
He`s taking over again!
