Sinbad and the Eye of the Tiger

Now wait.
There was a time when men knew how to
combat this form of black witchcraft.

A nation with an intelligence
far superior to anything we know today.

They knew the secret
of transforming matter.

Help me find the Arimaspi Scrolls,
will you?

- The Arimaspi?
- Yes.

Archimedes of Syracuse...
a very dear friend of mine.

He based many of his inventions
on principles...

originally developed
by Arimaspi mathematicians.

Here they are!
Manuscripts beyond value.
I wonder where I left them.

I found them.
Yes, these are the ones.
Clear the table.

These scrolls are
more than 2,000 years old.

- There we are.
- What do they say?

Well, this first one...
will be of special interest
to you, Captain.

- Oh?
- It's sailing directions.

The first written authority.
The only way to restore Kassim is to
undertake a journey to their country?

Ajourney to Hyperborea,
the land of the Arimaspi...

is the only possible way
of restoring Prince Kassim.

These other scrolls
confirm the legend.

It tells of a warm
and green valley...

at the northern most point of the world,
surrounded by wide seas of ice.

There in the valley of Hyperborea...
the Arimaspi built a shrine,
the shrine of the four elements:

Earth, fire, air and water.
Within that shrine is the source
of all their extraordinary power.
