Slap Shot

- We go on the road tomorrow mor...
- (drink can opens)

We're on the road in the morning.
- Bus leaves the War Memorial at 8am.
- I gave you a quarter at the bus station.

Give me another dime.
I'm savin' a dime to call Mom.

Jesus Christ.
You cheap son of a bitch.
Are you crazy? Those guys are retards!

I got a good deal on those boys. The
scout said they showed a lot of promise.

They brought their fuckin' toys with 'em!
I'd rather have 'em play with
their toys than with themselves.

They're too dumb
to play with themselves.

Every piece of garbage on the market,
you gotta buy it!

Reg. Reg, that reminds me.
I was coachin' in Omaha in 1948
and Eddie Shore sends me this guy
that's a terrible masturbator.

Couldn't control himself.
He would get deliberate penalties

so he could get into
the penalty box all by himself,

and damned if he wouldn't, you know...
- Oh, Joe. Jesus.
- What was his name?

(ยง "Right Back Where We Started From"
by Maxine Nightingale)

"To see the three Chiefs
make a scoring rush,

the bright colours of their jerseys...
flashing against the milky ice,

was to see a work of art in motion."
That's good writin', Dickie.

- I tried to capture the spirit of it.
- You did.

- Want a beer to go along with that?
- It's ridiculous for us to be here.

We stick out like a couple of sore thumbs.
- I'm doin' what I like right here.
- It's making you crazy too.

- You're turning into a zombie.
- I don't wanna have a stinkin' fight again.

"Rookie goalie Denis Lemieux, continuing
his brilliant first season with the Chiefs..."

Il parle de la game d'hier, ecoute ca.
