The Deep

But there's never the bringing
any of us back, is there?

Just go on home now.
Good night.
All set, Kevin?
Full moon tonight. We're gonna
stick out like a cherry on a cream pie.

Cast her off forward, Kev.
Would you like some rum?
-Here you go.
-I never drink before I dive.

You know what they say
about these waters?

If the Jamaican pirates don't get you...
:36:10'll be the cold embrace of the sea.
And that's no lover's kiss.
Every ship from the new world
passed through these waters.

They had to.
K'ang Hsi porcelain from China.
Japanese silk-screens.
And those ivory doodads from lndia.
And all that lnca gold
that Pizarro took out of Peru.

Do you believe all that, boy?
Yeah, I believe all of it.
Every bit of it. So do you.
You gonna marry that girl of yours?
