The Gauntlet

lf it's any consolation--
Shut up.
Never saw a cop feeling sorry
for himself before.

Mind if l watch?
For 2 cents and a stick of gum
l'd kick the shit out of you.

Whatever gets you off, butch.
After l was through. . .
. . .where would l leave the $20?
l don't want your money.
l love you for your mind.

Just had to jog your thinking.
You're a loser.
l'm splitting.
You'd shoot a woman in the back?
How would that look on your record?
You'd never make it
alone out there.

With you l don't have a chance.
On my own, l do okay.
l saved you from that constable.
l wouldn't take any bows.
lf not for me, you'd have let that
schmuck drive us into the guns.

There wouldn't be guns
if they weren't try to kill you.

lt's both of us, you witless idiot!
Haven't you figured that out?
Why do you think
you drew this assignment?

Because l get the job done!
They don't want the job done!
