The Gauntlet

They picked you because
you're a drunken bum.

And if they bump you off,
not a fucking soul. . .

. . .is going to give a rat's ass!
You're a nothing.
A nobody.
A faded number on a rusty badge.
You've been set up by your own
people to take the fall with me.

Wake up, for chrissake!
At least that way you'll know
where the bullets are coming from!

Watch out for the sidewinders.
lt's a type of rattlesnake
that comes out after dark.

They're drawn by body heat.
You never know it till they hit you.

l'll leave in the morning.
l will!
l'll make it too. You'll see.
lf we were in Vegas,
you'd be just going to work.

Go polish your badge, Shockley.
lt's all you've got.
Miserable bitch!
Welcome to the ranks
of the disenchanted.

Shut up and go to sleep.
l'm a counter-puncher, Shockley.
lf you can't last the 1 2 rounds
then stay out of the ring.
