The Gauntlet

You stay there.
Oh, my God!
You wait here.
-Where you going?
-You just stay here.

All right, mother-jumpers!
This is a bust!

Everybody up against their bike.
Balls in your pockets.

Come on!
Don't do that, man! Don't!
Son of a bitch!
The next turkey who tries that,
l'll shoot him. . .

. . .stuff him and stick
an apple in his ass.

Any takers?
You? You?
You? You?
Hey, man.
You can't do this without a warrant.
The man says l need a warrant.
The man don't know jack shit!
Anybody here know more
about the law here than me?

Any lawyers here?
Any lawyers want to tell me
why l don't need a warrant?

Why don't you get off our case?
You with the fucking hair.
You look smart.
Tell me why l'm entitled
to come in here anytime l please.
