The Gauntlet

He's going to try and stop me.
l want you to give him my route.
Tell him to clear the streets.

That way no innocent people get killed.
This is crazy.
And give him this message:
Tell him l know why
he picked me for the job.

Tell him he was wrong.
Tell him l'm coming
and l'll nail his ass to the wall.

You hear me?
For chrissakes!
He'll have every cop on the force there.
You can't get in there!

Thanks, partner.
My best to the family.

Jesus Christ!
-Front desk.
-This is 1 4-A.

You have anything like room service
around this joint?

I can probably get you something.
Maybe you could send your kid out
and pick up some steaks. . .

. . .fried chicken. Something like that.
Maybe a bottle of wine.

Yes, sir. Anything else?
ls there anything like a florist
around this neighborhood?

When l was a kid growing up,
l used to hate cops.

Me and the other kids
in the neighborhood. . .

. . .we'd always get in trouble, fights.
Gang fights.
Always getting rousted by the cops.
l suppose if we had guns
like gangs do nowadays. . .

. . .l'd have shot every cop on sight.
Parents never seemed to care.
Teachers, they forgot how to care.
As you grow older, you begin
to realize what cops are all about.

They're just doing a job,
enforcing the law. Raising families.

lf you break the law you get busted.
That's about all there is to it.

l learned to respect that.
