The Gauntlet

Ben Shockley.
Jesus! What difference does
it make what church he goes to?

We love each other
and we're going to be married.

We're going to. . .
. . .settle down in Arizona
and have kids.

Where are you going to live?
l don't know.
We hadn't really decided.
Probably. . .

. . .Northern Arizona somewhere.
Maybe up near the canyon.
lt's supposed to be
really beautiful there. . .

. . .and you can still get land.
When are you getting married?
We've got business we have to
take care of in Phoenix first.

Then we're going to do it.
What business is he in?
l just wanted you to know.
Look, would you tell Dad?
What was the young man 's name again?
Shockley. Just like it sounds.
-l love you.
-I love you too, dear.

What number, please?
Give me Las Vegas. 283-8779.
Up near the canyon, huh?
Bernie's Book.
Bernie? Gus Mally.
Listen, what's the line on
that horse, Mally No Show?

1 00-to-1 ? Perfect.
l want $5000 worth, on the nose.
You know l'm good for it.
She's going to be a winner.
Let's go.
Move on out.
What the hell
you think you're doing?
