The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

- What are you looking for, Pooh bear?
- I just said to myself, coming along
thinking and wondering...

if you had such a thing as, uh...
such a thing, Christopher,
uh, as a balloon, about you.

What do you want a balloon for?
- Honey.
- But you don't get honey
with a balloon.

- I do.
- How?

I shall fly like a bee,
up to the honey tree. See?

But just a minute.
You can't fool the bees that way.

You'll see.
Now, would you be so kind as to tow me
to a muddy place of which I know of.

So Christopher Robin towed Winnie
the Pooh to the very muddy place.

And Pooh rolled and rolled
until he was black all over.

There, now.
- Isn't this a clever disguise?
- What are you supposed to be?

I'm a little, black
rain cloud, of course.

Silly old bear.
Now, would you aim me
at the bees, please?

- Careful, Pooh. Hold on tight.
- Yes.

- Four...
- Yes.
- Three...
- Yes.

- Two...
- Yes.
- One!

I'm just a little, black rain cloud
Hovering under the honey tree
I'm only a little, black rain cloud
Pay no attention to little me
Oh, everyone knows
that a rain cloud

Never eats honey
no, not a nip

I'm just floating around
over the ground
