The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

well, it would be
a very good idea, huh?

Exactly! Just what I feel.
What do you feel, Pooh?

- Pooh!
- Ah...

Haven't you been listening
to what Rabbit's been saying?

I listened, but then I had
a small piece of fluff in my ear.

- Could you say it again, please, Rabbit?
- Well, where should I start from?

From the moment
the fluff got in my ear.

Well, when was that?
I don't know.
I couldn't hear properly.

Pooh, we were just trying to think of
a way to get the bounce out ofTigger.

Oh, I've got a splendid idea.
Now, listen.

We'll take Tigger
for a long explore, see?

Someplace where he's never been...
- and we lose him there.
- Lose him?

Oh, we'll find him again,
next morning.

And mark my words,
he'll be a humble tigger...

a small-and-sad tigger...
an "Oh, Rabbit,
am-l-glad-to-see-you" tigger.

And it'll take the bounces
out of him, that's why.

Now, all in favor, say, "aye."
Aye. Pooh?
- Pooh!
- Uh, here.

Good. Just good.
Motion carried.

So it was agreed that they
would start the next morning...

which, incidentally,
turned out cold and misty.

Pooh, as usual, had a little
something along to sustain himself.

And now, as Tigger kept bouncing
farther and farther into the mist...

Rabbit thought it was
a good time to lose Tigger.

Now's our chance.
Quick! In here. Hide.
