The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

The Pooh will soon be free
Dum da dum pa rum pa rum pa rum
Now the time has come for proving what the diet did for Pooh
And since we pledged he'd be unwedged that's what we're going to do
He'll be pulled and he'll be tugged and eventually unplugged
We'll have a tug of war, To open rabbit's door
Think heave-ish
Think ho-ish
And out the Pooh will go-ish
For mind over matter has made the Pooh un-fatter
Heave Heave Heave Heave Heeeeeeeeave. (Pop!)
[Rabbit] There he goes!
[Gopher] Suffering sassafras. He is sailing clean out of the book.
Quick, turn the page.
[Eeyore] Stuck again.
[Christopher Robin] Don't worry, Pooh! We'll get you out.
[Pooh] No hurry! Take your time. Yum, yum.
Bears love honey and I'm a Pooh bear
Yum Yum Yum Yum
Time for something sweet
[Narrator] So we come to the next chapter, in which...
[Pooh] But I haven't finished yet!
[Narrator] But Pooh, you're in the next chapter.
[Pooh] Oh, what happens to me?
[Narrator] Well, let's turn the page and find out.
[Narrator] Now one fine day the east wind traded places with the west wind
and that's turned things up a bit all through the Hundred Acre Wood.
