An Unmarried Woman

My relationship
with Hal is totally honest.

He doesn't tell me he loves me.
I don't tell him he's fascinating.

- It's pure sex.
- You always were different.

Not always.
- I've just learned to live
with my ups and downs.
- I don't know how you do it.

I like my job.
I like my friends.

I like my holidays.
Oh, I'm going to the Catskills next week!

There's a new swami in town.
You wanna go?

Uh, well, my spiritual life is just fine.
What's spiritual?
There'll be some gorgeous men there.

- What does this Bob do?
- He's a press agent—
Broadway shows, movies.

Hal says he's a nice guy.
- If he tries to touch me, I'll break his arms.
- Relax.

- Waiter.! Waiter.!
Right here, pal.
These are fantastic.
These are like claws, Bob.

- Oh, yeah?
- Claw things.

- Oh, yeah.
- We'll take all four of these.

- Take 50,000 of'em, if you got 'em.
- I don't know if I can—

- What do you call these?
- Thank you.

- Claws.
- Claws.

Erica, have a claw.

Give her some of those, uh...
the shrimp with the, uh—
What do you call the shrimp
with the white paper on the end?

- Paper shrimp.
- Paper shrimp. Give us some of those, okay?

- Okay, anything else?
- That's fine. Paper shrimp. Thank you.

Do you work, Erica?
Yeah, I, uh—
I work part time at, uh—

The Rowan Gallery in Soho?
- Oh, I've never been there.
- It's a good gallery.

- We could all take a walk there later.
- That would be nice.

- Do you paint?
- No. L— I studied painting...

- but I'm not an artist.
- Mm-hmm.

I'm in public relations.
