An Unmarried Woman

What are you working on?
Well, right now it's a new picture
about an ex-Vietnam vet...

who comes back to a small
Midwestern town and shoots 300 people.

- That should make a fortune.
- I think I saw it.

- I don't think so, Hal.
- I saw it, I'm telling you.

You couldn't.
They haven't made it yet.

- Sounds familiar.
- Erica.

Claire! Hi!
- It's nice to see you.
- Remember Allison?

How you doin'?
- Hey, I called you about a hundred times.
- Yeah.

- You're never in.
- I know. I know.

Oh, excuse me. This is, um, Bob.
And this is Claire and Fred
and Allison and Elaine and Hal.

- Hal. I'm Hal.
- Fred. Nice to meet you.

- How are you? Glad to know you.
- Can we have lunch next week?

- Yeah. I'll call you.
- Okay.

I will.
- Want a bear claw, honey?
- Oh, she's full.

- I'm sorry, Erica.
Call us if you need anything.
- I will. Thank you.

- Please call me.
- Yeah! I will.

Hal, this is great.
Excuse me. I'll be right back.
What are those things that would come
in this little steamer here?

Waiter, can
we have the shrimp with paper?
Bring a couple of Bubble-Up.

- You all right?
- Yeah. I'm fine.

- You sure?
- This is crazy.

- Erica, let's take a walk.
- I feel like I've been
dim-sum-ed out of my mind.

- I think I'm gonna go home.
- You sure?

- Oh, come on!
- I'll take you home.

- Stay awhile.
- No, I really wanna go home.

- Where do you live?
- You go on, Elaine. I live in the East 60s.

- Good, I'll take you home.
- Bye.

- Well, let me take you home.
- Bye-bye!

- I'll see you later. Call you.
- Have a nice time. See you.

- Boy, that's a nervous lady.
- She has a right to be.
