An Unmarried Woman

Oh, you know something? L—
I wasn't angry.
I felt relief, really.
I was glad it was over—
for both of us!

Well, I wasn't a very good husband.
My work means everything to me.
I don't think I believe that.
Don't you miss your children?
I love them. Sometimes I miss them.
But I see them every summer. We have
a place up in Vermont. You'll like it.

You seem to have my life
worked out for me.

For us. I want you.
- You know that?
- Yes, I'm getting the message.

Do you want me?
My head tells me to slow down.
But I don't think my pulse is normal.
You know, there are three things
that we could do right now.

You could call a taxi and go home.
Or we could go on walking,
and, uh, I could lecture you...

on the real dilemma of modern art.
Or we could go to my place,
and we could thoroughly enjoy each other.
