
Well, the suspense
is really killing me.

l thought you doctors
liked to operate.

-We'll get to you.
-l'd hate to be left out.

How did you get your injury?
Playing touch football.
You know, with the guys,
horsing around.

Dr. Wheeler, see Dr. Harris.
See Dr. Harris in his office.
The chief of surgery himself.
Playing touch football, huh?
Yeah. So l come in,
and all that happens--

Thanks very much, Herb.
We'll get together on it later.
Would you come in?
Excuse me.
Sit down, Sue.
It's Senator Brooke's office.
He wonders if you can
change the meeting to four.

Yes, four is fine.
Notify Henry.

Yes, sir.
l like to think that Boston Memorial
is the best hospital in the city...

...perhaps in the country.
l'm committed to it...
:28:27 the house staff we have here,
and to you.

l think you know that.
But we have certain constraints
imposed on us.

One is the state law concerning
privacy in computer data access.

An unauthorized entry was made
last night.

We put the young man on probation.
But he told us he made
the illegal entry on your behalf.

That's true.
All the discharge diagnoses
of coma over a 1 2-month period?

-l wanted it because l had an idea--
-Well, forgive me.
