
Well, that's funny,
but all these charts you wanted...

...they're all signed out to Dr. George,
the chief of anesthesiology.

Good afternoon, Dr. George.
Good afternoon, staff.
We have a happy lab here.
lt's precise.
There's nothing left to chance.

There are no mistakes.
The charts are right here.
There's no mystery.

They're right here.
What is it you wanted?

l'd like to look at them.
For what reason?
l'm interested in unexplained coma
following routine surgery.

You're interested?
l'm more than interested.
My anesthesiology staff
is more than interested.

We're deeply concerned.
l understand.
l'm not sure you do.
Perhaps something was missed?
Every professor of anesthesia,
most of our staff...

...more than 40 experts
have gone over these charts.

You think something was missed?
But if anything
links them together--

lf anything linked them,
we'd know it.

Here they are, 1 0 cases.
There are now 1 2.

Different ages and sexes.
Different surgeons and anesthetists.

Different methods of induction.
They share nothing in common except
they all emerged with unexplained coma.

We're certainly not neglecting
that problem.

l didn't say you were.
Do you mind if l have a look?
l'm afraid l do mind.
Thank you for your interest,
however misplaced.

Good afternoon.
Oh, my God, you did--
How could you do that?

Dr. George is a past president...
...of the American Society
of Anesthesiologists.
