Force 10 from Navarone

In your imagination?
No, ma'am,
it's not in our imagination.

I think it's a bit further on,
don't you?

Yes, it is. Well, I mean,
it's not much further than this.

It's hard to tell,
the whole country looks alike.

You will start digging
within five minutes.

What if we haven't found it
in five minutes?

Then you will be digging
your graves.

Hey, colonel.
Wait a minute,
now this looks familiar.

Isn't this our little hollow
down here?

Yes, I think it is.
I remember this knoll over here.
Ma'am, this is it.

I think this is it.
- This knoll over here?
- Right.

You see, comrade, we lined it up
between them...

There you are!
There's our pile of stones.

Gotta get them closer
and we use the spades.

You take the two
that are closest to you...

...and I'll take the other one
and the broad.

I'm gonna get them
closer now, okay?

Fritz. Fritz, come!
It's here.
