
Grease is the way we are feelin'
Grease is the word,
is the word that you've heard

It's got groove, it's got meaning
Grease is the time,
is the place, is the motion

Grease is the way we are feelin'
Grease is the word,
is the word, is the word

- You don't eat this, you bury it.
- That's a home-made Iunch.

Your old Iady drag her carcass
out of bed for you?

- She does it first day of school.
- Big deal.

- Kenickie. Over here.
- Where you at?

We're right here.
- Where were you all summer?
- Are you my mother?

- Just askin'.
- Working. More than you can say.

- Working?
- Yes, Iugging boxes at Bargain City.

- Nice job.
- Eat me.

I'm saving up to get me some wheels.
- Wanna hear what I did?
- No.

Hey, there's Danny.
You seen any new broads there?
Nah, same old chicks,
everybody's made them.

So what'd you do all summer?
I was hanging around at the beach.
You know.

It's tough with all those chicks
hanging around you.
