
- Got a date for the dance-off?
- No.

- Wanna go?
- Yeah.

I'II be a senior forever if
I don't study for that algebra test.

You're in Iuck.
You got an armed escort home.

It's not the arms I'm worried about,
Sonny. It's the hands.

She Ioves me.
- You coming, French?
- I don't think so.

- I think I'II hang out a bit Ionger.
- AIright.

I have been dieting all day Iong. My
mom's apple pie's better than this.

- Do you want a piece?
- Yeah, sure.

- Putzie.
- Yeah?

1 5 minutes!
I'm worried about this dance-off. Do
they dance differently to back home?

Don't worry.
Maybe we'II invent the Kangaroo Bop.

Let's get out of here, Sandy.
See you Iater.
- Bye, Frenchy.
- See you, Sandy.

Great. I'm stuck with the check.
Give me money.

OK, what's with you tonight?
You got the personality of a wet mop.

- Don't start with me.
- Fine. How about I finish with you?

Finish this!
To you from me, Pinky Lee.
Sorry, French.
Rizzo. I want to talk to you!
No use crying over spilt milk shake.
Oh, I'II be OK.
You know it's near closing time?
Do you mind if I stay a bit Ionger?
No, suit yourself.
- Wow!
- What?

I hate to tell you, but your
hair Iooks Iike an Easter egg.

Well, I had a Iittle trouble
in tinting class.

In fact, I had a Iittle trouble
in all my classes.

Beauty school sure wasn't
what I thought it'd be.

Nothing ever is.
