
twitching at her
throat muscles.

Damn it!
To think I can't
carry her to my bed

and comfort her as I did
when she was three.

That soft, torn body
that's my Lena!
Don't cry, for Christ's sake.
A writer whose name
I've forgotten said,

" It's like a ghost
falling on top of you

"when you open the door
to the nursery

"having long since forgotten
it is the nursery."

-Do you think I'm grown up?
-I guess being grown up is being able

to handle your dreams and hopes. Not longing.
-Do you think so?

Maybe you stop being surprised.
How sensible you look,
with your old pipe.

-You're quite grown up.
-I wonder. I'm surprised every day.

-At what?
-At you.

And I have the most
unreasonable dreams and hopes.

And a longing too, come to that.
-Yes. I long for you.

Those are very pretty words.
Words that don't
mean anything real.

I was brought up
with beautiful words.

Mama is never furious
or disappointed or unhappy

she is "pained". You have
a lot of words like that too.

It's a kind of
occupational disease.

If you long for me
when I'm here,

I begin to be suspicious.
-You know what I mean.

No. If I knew, it would
never enter your head to say so.
