
It happened in here.
She was sitting right here ...
He could have seen her thru this window.
Standing on the lawn ...
He could have seen in side.
You must think of me ...
the very sinister doctor.
I do have a permit.
Seems to me you're just plain scared.
Yeah, I'm a...
I met him ... fifteen years ago.
I was told there was nothing left.

No reason ... nowhere conscience, no understanding
in even the most rudimentary sense, of life or death of ...

good or evil, right or wrong.
I met this ...
six year-old child with his ...
blank, pale, emotionless face, and ...
the blackest eyes ...
the Devil's eyes.
I spent eight years trying to reach him ...
and then another seven trying to keep him locked up,
because I realized that

what was living behind that boy's eyes
was purely and simply...

... evil.
What do we do?
He's been here once tonight ...
I think he'll come back.
I'm gonna wait for him.
I still think I should notify the radio and television.
- No.

If you do that, they'll see him on every street corner, they
look for him on every house. Just tell your men to keep their ...
