Heaven Can Wait

Hi. How you doing, everybody?
These people are
newspaper reporters.

I thought it would be good
if they saw how we did things.

This is a very dangerous precedent.
We have a full agenda today already.
We don't have time for a press...

Is it true that an accident
in your nuclear plant

could stimulate seismic activity
in the San Andreas Fault,

and destroy
most of southern California?

I think you'd have
to define "destroy".

Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen,
I'd like to make something clear.

The Exo-Grey nuclear facility
has a foolproof

built-in safety system that
guarantees no danger of any kind.

That's rubbish.
If there's no danger,
why are we in a lawsuit?

It's a protest, not a lawsuit.
The point is
we're doing something wrong.

Everybody's suing us.
We got a lawsuit from a refinery...

...a nuclear lawsuit,
a guy named Porpoise is suing us.

Mr Farnswon'th,
that's an ecological suit

against our canning factory
for destroying porpoises.

- For God's sake, he knows that.
- We can porpoises?

Our San Diego fleet...
As everybody knows, we can tuna,
and in netting the tuna,
we kill a number of porpoises.

Since they're mammals
of alleged high intelligence,

there's been an outcry.
Yeah, well... Yeah... Yeah.
I would just like
to ask you a question.

- Why is he bringing the press here?
- You know Leo Farnswon'th.
