It Lives Again

- It's your baby.
- Yeah. My baby.

Well, I'm here.
I think I'm okay.
I don't think we were followed.

We changed cars about four times
and I never saw anything...

so I think it's okay.
That's good.
Hello, Frank.
When do I get to see him?
You don't want to wake him up now.
You'll get to hold him and feed him,
and even teach him, both of you.

You'll change your mind, Gene. You'll see.
Change my mind.
- What did he mean?
- Nothing. Come on.

Let's go and rest.
Tell me, what's he like?
How is he? Tell me.

He's big, and he's real strong.
- There's two others here, too, you know?
- Yeah, I know. They told me about that.

We've triangulated her position
between Coldwater and Benedict Canyon...

below Mulholland.
We ought to have a direct fix
within 20 minutes...

if the signal holds out.
Hi, I'm Dr. Peters. My wife sent
some things over for you to use.
