Midnight Express

Dear Susan,
1970 has now passed into 1971.

You can drift in here
and never know you're gone.

You can fade so far out, you
don't know where you are anymore.

I find loneliness is a physical pain
that hurts all over.

To the Turks
everything is "söyle böyle".

It means "like this, like that".
You never know what will happen.

All foreigners are "ayip".
They're considered dirty.

So is homosexuality, but they
do it every chance they get.

There are about 1,000 things
that are "ayip".

You can stab or shoot somebody
below the waist but not above.

Stabbing somebody in the ass
is considered Turkish revenge.

I know it must sound crazy to you,
but this place is "crazy".

One day,
one of the new kids was raped.

So they picked out
four of the worst kids.
