Same Time, Next Year

What do you
want me to do?

It would be terrific if you
stopped talking about it.

It is only making you feel
worse. I can't feel worse!

That pure little voice
- No, you're right. Oh!

No, forget it.
Change the subject.

So t-tell me about the
good story about Harry.

He went bankrupt.
How can you go bankrupt
selling TV sets?

Harry has one little failing
as a salesman.

It's a compulsion to talk people out
of things that they can't really afford.

He kind of lacks
the killer instinct.

Actually, it's one of the things
about him that I like best.

Oh, listen. Something
just occurred to me.

Instead of my leaving at my usual time,
would you mind if I left a little earlier?

When did you have in mind?
There's a plane in half an hour.

You want to leave
23 hours early?

There's a connecting flight
from San Francisco in 90 minutes.

I know how you feel.
Really, I do.

I wouldn't suggest it if you weren't
a mother and didn't understand.

It wouldn't even occur to me
if-if this crisis hadn't come up.

I don't mean
Just the tooth Fairy.

She could have swallowed
the tooth.

It could be lodged
God knows where.

Uh... have you seen
my hairbrush?

Doris, I'm probably
doing you a big Favor.

If I did stay, I probably wouldn't be very
good company. I'm thinking of you too.

With the way I'm Feeling-
You probably understand.

You feel somewhat
rejected, right?

I understand.
Really, I do.

I just want you to know that my leaving
has nothing to do with you and me.

This is an emergency! I
have a sick child at home!
