Se ying diu sau

Mr Li, be careful
I'm always careful
Well, I've told you to be careful
Are you hurt?
Damn it
Who dares to make troubles here?
I've won the 3-provinces tournament
All Kung-fu schools in the province
come to congratulate me

Except Hung-tai School
The Champion
of the 3 provinces tournament

So I come to give you a lesson
You come to humiliate us?
Yes, who first?
You're too arrogant
Alright, Let me... Yes
Master Lian will give you a lesson
Master Li, you're an esteemed person
The honor should be yours
Thanks, but no thanks
I usually step aside
in this kind of circumstances

maybe you go first
Master Li, you please
You first... You first
Shut up, you two come together
