The Big Sleep

21, red. Red win.
Scotch and water, please.
Dom Pérignon, George,
for the lady in pink.

- Doing all right for a change, is she?
- Eight straight wins in a row.

She can't lose, can she?
You wanna bet?
You rake it up fast enough!
If somebody wins you get nervous!

I'm afraid the rules are a maximum
of £5,000 on the even bets...

:53:44 if you take off... about 6,000.
Just spin the wheel. Hmm?
I'm sorry, madam.
I just work for the house.

Just spin it!
Is anything the matter, Mrs Regan?
If you've finished playing...
...perhaps our chauffeur
can drive you home.

One more play, Eddie. Hm?
Everything I have on red.
You're already over the limit.
If nobody else objects.
Seven, red.
Red win.
