The Boys from Brazil

All of these men...
..will be 65 years old when their dates
come around. Obviously,...

..a few of them will already
have died of natural causes.

Yes, Farnbach?
Who are these men? Jews?
Not one. They are all family men.
Civil servants, school principals,
men of minor authority.

Are we permitted to hire accomplices?
I would not advise it.
Bear it in mind
that these are 65-year-old men.

Their eyesight is failing, they have
slow reflexes, diminished strength.

I've been through Sweden quite a bit...
..but I've never heard
of this place... Rasbo?

It is a village,...
..about 15 km from Uppsala.
That is Bertil Hedin,
the postmaster there, ja?

And by killing this old mailman I will be
fulfilling the destiny of the Aryan race?

You wish to be relieved of
this assignment, Captain Mundt?

No, sir.
Then do not question your orders.
Simply obey them.
Yes, Herr Doktor.
I apologise.
Further questions?
The men's families
are not to be involved.

And in the case of, say, younger wives...
..who might be open to
romantic overtures...

:18:51 accomplices,...
..I repeat,
the families are not to be involved.

You will live in a manner befitting
salesmen for large German firms.
