The Fury

How much?
I don´t mean 50 or 100 bucks, not for this girI.
- How much, Raymond?
- $1,000.

I don´t have that kind of money.
That´s a sad story, Mr J.
AImost as sad as the story
you toId me about your boy.

Dunwoodie paid o.
We´ve compIeted the trace.

He´s taIking to Sandza at the PIymouth HoteI.
- Step inside, o the street.
- Yes, sir.

- Is this man registered here?
- I don´t know.

- I just came on a haIf-hour ago myseIf.
- We think he´s been here a few days.

You ain´t the poIice, is ya?
WeII... I´m what you´d consider weII-traveIIed,
but I´ve never heard of you gentIemen.

We don´t spend a dime on pubIic reIations.
Yeah, weII...
That wouId be Mr RV Johnson. Room 512.
Just down the haII to your Ieft.

Hey, government man. Don´t bust
my door down, pIease. Use a passkey.

Chase One to Chase Two.
He´s Ioose. Do you copy?

He´s Ioose. Do you copy?
