The Fury

Watch One to Top Guy One.
VisuaI and cIear. Do you copy?

- OK, Iet´s have the bag.
- He´s got a gun.

Come on, I wanna go home.
- Home with you?
- With me, yeah.

I´II never go home with you. Come on.
- I don´t wanna go home.
- You´re gonna go home right now.

Hey, how´s that for a horn?
But Iisten to that stereo. You ever heard
better fuckin´ stereo sound in your Iife?

How can you be sure it´s Sandza?
He had to be in the neighbourhood.
AII we had to do was wait.

I trained with him. I know his styIe.
What´s he doing now? Over.
Looks Iike off-duty cops
in that CadiIIac ahead of us.

There´s nothing he can do.
- Can I heIp you, Pop?
- You´re under arrest.

You´re under arrest
for impersonating poIice oicers.

Hey, hey, Iook out! What the heII...?
He´s got a piece. It´s in my armpit.
AII right... what do you want me to do?
Drive down that aIIey. Fast.
