The Fury

But you take too much for granted.
You trust too many peopIe.

Paragon Institute.
It sounds Iike a haven for quacks.
- But their references are good.
- It´s right up there on the Ieft.

GiI, the more I think about it, the more I think
this is not an appropriate course of action.

Mother, I Iike Dr Lindstrom. Anyway,
I´m oId enough to know what I´m doing.

WeII, I don´t intend to Iet you stay here
untiI they´ve answered a Iot of questions.

- And I mean that, GiIIian.
- OK.

- Hi, GiIIian.
- Hi.

- Mrs BeIIaver, I´m EIIen Lindstrom.
- How do you do?

- PIease come in.
- Thank you.

Dr McKeever is busy monitoring a test,
but he shouId be with us shortIy.

- Maybe you´d Iike to Iook around.
- Thank you.

I´ve been here before.
- This was Babe Giord´s house.
- Yes, we bought the house from the Giords.

It was so beautifuIIy furnished, we tried
to make as few aIterations as possibIe.

In fact, GiIIian´s suite
is particuIarIy attractive.

- I don´t know why you want GiIIian to stay...
- That was my idea, Mrs BeIIaver.

GiIIian and Katherine BeIIaver,
this is our director, Jim McKeever.

How do you do?
- GiIIian.
- Hi.

Young peopIe stay with us aII the time whiIe
they heIp with our evaIuation programme.

Thanks, EIIie.
We can do a betterjob ofjudging psychic
abiIity if there´s a minimum of distractions.

Of course, it´s not aII work and no pIay.
There´s a good Iibrary right here
and a game room down the haII.

- Do you pIay backgammon, GiIIian?
- Yeah.

Good. And our housekeeper is the best
Irish cook in Chicago, I´m sorry to say.

I´d Iike to know what kind of programme
you´re taIking about.
