The Lord of the Rings

Because of Gollum !
Oh, Gandalf, what am I to do?
What a pity that Bilbo didn't kill
that vile creature when he had the chance!

Yes, it was pity.
Pity and mercy.
And now, Frodo, the decision lies with you.
What will you do with the One Ring?
I'll give it to you, Gandalf!
You're wise and powerful.
Well, will you not--

No! Do not tempt me!
I would wish to turn it to good,
and it cannot be used so.

Meaning to be kind, I would become
as terrible as the Dark Lord himself.

Do not tempt me!
I shall have such need of strength so soon.
Then I suppose I must keep the Ring
and guard it.

I ought to go away somewhere, alone.
But they won't bother the Shire
if the Ring isn't here.

My dear Frodo...
...I am afraid you are right.
You'll have to go and leave the name
of Baggins behind you.

That name is no longer safe.
Your new traveling name shall be:
Mr. Underhill.
What have you heard,
and why did you listen?

Mr. Frodo, sir, don't let him hurt me, sir!
Don't let him turn me
into anything unnatural.

Answer him, Sam.
Well, I heard a deal
that I didn't rightly understand...
