The Lord of the Rings

No, never. Verily, I come.
I give it unto you.
No, never! Gandalf!
I am here,
and you are lucky to be here, too...

...after all the absurd things you've done
since you left home.

Where's Sam?
And are the others all right?

They've hardly left your side for three days.
Three days?
What happened at the ford?
It all seemed so dim, somehow.

You were beginning to fade,
my remarkable friend.

The knifepoint had almost
worked its way to your heart.

Oh, I didn't know. Would I have....
You would have become like them.
One of the Ringwraiths...
...the servants of the Dark Lord...
...if you had not resisted to the last.
The river, it rose up against them.
It is Elrond's river.
This is his house
and it was Elrond himself who healed you.

If I may say so,
I added a few touches of my own.

The white horses and so on.
If you noticed.

Then that is the end of the Black Riders?
