The Lord of the Rings

Well, take care.
Bring back any old songs
and tales you hear.

''I sit beside the fire
''And think of all that I have seen.''
Our only hope is in speedand secrecy.
The Company of the Ring shall be nine.
Nine walkers against
the nine Riders ofMordor.

With Sam and Frodo, Gandalf will go.
For the other Free Peoples...
...Legolas shall be for the Elves...
...and Gimli, son ofGloin, for the Dwarves.
For Men shall go the valiant
Boromir ofGondor...

...and Aragorn, son ofArathorn.
And for the last twoplaces,
we will trust to friendship...

...rather than to great wisdom.
Peregrin Took andMeriadoc Brandybuck
may also go.

When did you ever know such a storm,
so far south?

The Dark Lord's arm has grown long
...if he can hurl snow at us
all the way from Mordor.

His arm has grown long.
No, Gandalf, not that dark way, I beg you!
And what would you suggest?
Returning to Rivendell to wait there
for the end? We have no choice, Aragorn!

We might go by way of the Gap of Rohan.
That'd take the Ring too close to Isengard
and Saruman. We dare not risk it.

Yet you would risk the mines of Moria.
