The Thirty-Nine Steps

I'll have a whisky.
I read an article in the papers...

Thank you very much.
Excuse me.
I wouldn't have recognised you.
You even smell different.
You look breathtaking.
Thank you.
To the good fortune that sent me here.

Come and meet
some of the other guests.

I can't see any other guests.
At dinner, will you take
Lady Nettleship in?

Who takes you in?
David, my fiancé.
Mr Renfrew, I have to
see the master at once.

Porton was a damn good man.
So was Harkness.
No peace mongering with those two.

You believe Germany
had a hand in the murders?

We shan't know
until this Hannay is caught,

that scoundrel.
He lost 200 guineas.
Stuart wants a word with you, sir.
He says it is most urgent.

- I'm sorry, excuse me a moment.
- Indeed.

What do you think, Mr Royce?
