Up in Smoke

(Bird) All right, freeze.
This is a bust. Strawberry.

Ha ha ha ha!
Single file.
I wasn't looking
at his neck.

I wasn't looking--
No, man.
The town's dry.

There ain't no dope
nowhere, man.

I got to pee.
Hey, Pedro.
Hey, Pedro, my man.
What's happening,

What's going on?
How you doing, man?
Oh, I don't know.
Hey, this your ride?

I got it off
my cousin Johnny.

This is your--
I mean, this bad
low machine is yours?

Oh, Pedro.
You got a taste of soul.

And style, too.
Yeah, I hear you.
You know
what you need

to go with
this bad ride?

A chick?
No, baby.
Check these out.

Genuine diamonds,

Those ain't
for-real diamonds, man.

What you--Hey, man!
Check this out. Step back.

Ain't for real?
Check this.

What are you doing?
You scratched my window.

You know, it's cool.
It's cool.

You know
what I do need?

We been looking
for some smoke.

You got some?
Hey, man, I got some weed
straight from Turkey.

It's what
set them Arabs off.

Arabs from Turkey?
Yeah, man.
They was from Turkey.

This stuff will put a hump
in a camel's back.

No shit?
I wouldn't shit you, baby.
This is some bad weed.

You got it
on you?

It'll boogie-woogie
on your brain.

All right.
Just 'cause we tight,
I'm going to let you have it
for a double dime.

(Fly Buzzing)
(Man Stoner)
Man, this shit ain't shit, man.
