Watership Down

I thought everything would be fine
once we got here, but it's not.

Because now we've got here,
I find it's not that simple.

What do you mean?
This place is as safe as Fiver said it was.

I think we've done very well for ourselves.
- But we don't have any does.
- Does?

Not one, and that means no kittens.
- And after we're gone, no warren.
- So that's why you went to that farm.

I thought we'd be able to get
some hutch rabbits to join us.

What's to be done then, Hazel?
Set off again?

And where?
There's not been a sniff
of another rabbit since we got here.

The bird, Kehaar.
We'll get the bird to search for us.
What home? This hole?
Where are mates? Where are chicks?
Mate make eggs, mate sit on eggs...
...hatch eggs, many eggs. We feed chick.
Egg robbers come, we fight.
You stupid bunnies!
You got no mates!
Where are mates?
Where are chicks?
Plenty trouble for you.
You need mates!
It's working, Hazel.
You got no brains. You no plan.
You need mate for plan.

I got plan for you.
Wing better, I go fly.
Fly for you.
I find mates.
What a splendid idea, Kehaar!
How clever of you to think of it.
You very fine bird.

When will you be able to fly?
I fly any time. Stand back.
