Being There

...a brick mason,
who did some repairs to a wall.

He was here for two and a half days
in 1952.

Yes. I remember Joe.
He was very fat, had short hair...
...and showed me pictures
from a funny little book.

-Some pictures?

Of men and women.
Just how long have you been living here,
Mr. Chance?

Ever since I can remember.
Ever since I was a child
I've worked in this garden.

Then you really are a gardener?
My roses.
We will need some proof
of your having resided here, Mr. Chance.

You have me, I'm here.
That's where Joe fixed the wall.
Are you related to the deceased?
I don't think so.
That's a nice car.
Do you drive it, Mr. Chance?

I've never been in an automobile.
You've never been in a car?
I've never been allowed
outside of the house.

You can callme Ray,
or you can callme Jay....

I used to listen to the radio.
Then the old man started giving me
television sets.

This one has a remote control.
Maybe there's another
gum machine someplace.

You see? This is my bed.
This is my bathroom.
