Blechtrommel, Die

It's dreadfully cold.
Greff doesn't
give us enough heat.

Come in.
Go ahead.
Greff wants to harden his body.
He loves youth, hard bodies...
but he likes boys
more than girls.

Victory through strength
and through joy

My feet are frozen.
A scout is never cold.
They're doing fine in the east.
Leningrad will fall any day.
Kiev's more important
because of the oil.

More zip than in '15
when I was in the army.

Moscow's the main thing.
Alfred, you carve.
What would we
do without Grandma?

Yes, the Kashubians are
still good for something.

Oh, if I could
only be out there!

But I'm needed
on the home front.

Moscow must be wiped out...
or we'll have to feed
all those people.

The Fuhrer knows that.
They've sent my Herbert
to the front...

to make him fight.
Disciplinary battalion.
Starve 'em!
Starve all our enemies!
