Buffet froid

I could show you the knife...
It's at home,
in the dish washer...

Listen, my friend.
Crimes, murders...

I get my fill all day.
Now I'm off duty. I'm eating.

I just moved in, I'm tired
and you're bugging me!

So, go home quietly
and forget about me.

Why not come to bed?
I'm smoking.
It's late.
You going to chain-smoke
all night?

Why not?
Aren't you tired?
You're damned right,
I'm tired!

Well, then?
If you know you'll have

you don't go to bed!
I might as well smoke.
Want one?
Doing nothing puts you
on edge.

You need a good tiring job.
You'd calm down.
Why did you stop looking?
Why look, because when I do
look, I don't find anything?

if you come to bed,
I promise...

I'll take off my nightgown!
I don't feel in the mood...
Neither do l, you know that.
But sometimes, we could
make an effort!

What's on your mind?
I'm scared.
What of?
-You know who the tenant is?

-He's a cop!
-So what?

You don't get it?
I dream of cops.
When I'm awake,
who do I meet? A cop!

In my house!
Doesn't seem odd to you?
You've done nothing!
