City on Fire

I've got it made!
Kiss all you want.
Darling, be careful, don't catch cold!
Hey, you should go!
Outside is windy & rainy,
where do you want me to go?

To hell!
Hell, you've got to listen
to my last words first.

We're disturbing the neighbours...
I like to!
The police and robbers
have exchanged than 60 shots.

One were dead and five wounded.
The six robbers have all escaped.

Inspector Lau of that district
has "no comment".

Inspector Chan of the new special unit
has made the following comments.

We must crack the case
as soon as possible is a must.

This is our main
target & purpose for existence.

End of special news report.
Have a bath together first, darling!
Hey, I'm inside!
What a smell!
Bad smell, I'm only urinating.
Piss is also smelly.
I'm fed up with you two.
Hey, don't be in the way here.
I have to sleep with Hung here tonight.
Three in a bed?
Don't be too kind to me.

You want to?
I want to very much.
It's disgusting!

Darling, I'm coming!
Go out... I'll accuse you of raping.
we're husband and wife, what raping?

I just won't bother you.

What do you mean?
I'll just swallow it
if you don't want it.
