Don Giovanni

the rooms.
In fact,
do everything to keep Masetto happy.

- Do you understand?
- I understand.

Let's go.
- Sir.
- What is it?

Zerlina can't stay behind without me.
His Excellency will be in your place.
He will know how to play your part.
Zerlina is in the hands of a nobleman.
Run along.

We'll be along presently.
Go, don't be afraid!
I'm in the hands of a nobleman.
And so?
- And so, there's no need to worry.
- What about me?

Let's be clear.
Unless you leave at once
without further objections,

you will regret it, Masetto.
I understand, sir. Yes, sir.
I bow my head and go away,
since that is your wish.

I'll make no further objections. No, I won't.
A nobleman, you surely are.
In all faith, I cannot doubt you.
I can see that from the kindness
that you wish to show to me,

to show to me.
Little cheat, rogue!
You've always been my ruin!
I'm coming, I'm coming. Stay, stay!
It's all very proper.
Let your nobleman
make a noblewoman of you,

make a noblewoman of you!
Little cheat, rogue!
You've always been my ruin!
