
And get caught in the trees
Give a home to the fleas
in my hair

A home for fleas
A hive for the buzzin' bees
A nest for birds
There ain't no words

For the beauty, the splendor
the wonder of my hair

Flow it, Show it
I want it long, straight
curly, fuzzy

Snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty
oily, greasy, fleecy

Shining, gleaming, steaming
Flaxen, waxen
knotted, polka-dotted

Twisted, beaded, braided
- Powdered, flowered
- And confettied

- Bangled
- Tangled, spangled

And spaghettied
Oh, say can you see my eyes
- If you can
- Then my hair's too short

- Down to here
- Down to there

Down to where
it stops by itself

They'll be ga-ga at the go-go
When they see me in my toga

My toga made of blond
brilliantined, biblical hair

My hair like Jesus wore it
Hallelujah, I adore it
Hallelujah, Mary loved her son
Why don't my mother love me
You know, Danny's mother said
Danny said to say hello.

He's in second year
of dental school...

and the girl he's dating
is beautiful, nice.

It's got a lot of mayonnaise,
the way you like, both sides.

- Eat it.
- Thanks, Mom.

- It's good. Eat it.
- I will.

Give me your pants.
I'll wash them.

- Why?
- They're dirty.

They're fine.
They're not dirty.

It'll take a minute.
The pants are fine, Ma.
What do you say, Pop?
What do you say, what?
