Hanover Street

I like this attitude.
It's different,
but it's one fine attitude.

When I was little, I spent summers at
my grandfather's. It was like this.

You worked on a farm?
You don't seem like the farm type.

-I can milk a cow.
-Her ladyship can milk a cow.

-She can.
-With her own hands?

No, with her feet. Why is it
so incredible? Lots of people can.

-Haven't you ever?
-I opened a bottle once.

Don't they drink milk in Chicago?
How do you think baby gangsters
grow up to be big gangsters?

-There's a place to eat.
-I'm famished.

So am I. I want some tea.
I love tea.

-Did I ever tell you that?

It's true, I drink it all the time.
