Kramer vs. Kramer

I'm sorry. Excuse me.
Louise, give me a hand.
You're 1 5 minutes late.
-Mr. O'Connor is very upset.
-This all of it?

-Yes. Do you want your mail now?
-No, just give me the messages.

Remind me to get
a Crying Chrissie doll at lunch.

Okay, okay.
Sorry I'm late.
And there's a PTA meeting
at the school on Tuesday at 4.

Right, thanks.
Put the chicken in the refrigerator.
Know who Charley's seeing now?
A divorced woman with two little girls
the same age as Kim and Petey.

-Are you kidding?

How do you know?
I know.
How long has it been since
you two broke up?

Year and a half.
That long?
Did I ever tell you how sorry...
:31:39 sad Joanna and I were
when you guys split?

Look at that cute little boy
over there.

You think you'll ever
get married again?

-I mean, to anybody.

Maybe it's different if you don't
have children, but...
