Kramer vs. Kramer

:54:01 can bet they will too.
Can you take that?

And it's going to cost you $1 5,000.
That's if we win.
If we go to appeal,
it'll cost you more.

I understand.
Now, how old is the child again?
My son is 7.
-That's tough.

In cases involving a child that young,
the court tends to side with her.

She signed over custody.
I'm not saying we don't have a shot,
but it won't be easy.

Do me a favour, will you?
There's something I find useful
in matters like this.

I sit down and I write out all
the pros and cons on an issue.

Write them and look at them.
-I want you to do that, okay?

And after that...
... if you're really certain
you want to retain custody...

... then we'll go in there
and beat the pants off them. Okay?

I love you, Billy. I know you're
sleeping and can't hear me.

I love you with all my heart.
Ted, you got a lunch?
Hi, Jim. I don't know. I was trying
to work this idea out here--

Good. I'll pick you up at 1 :00.
Okay, you got it.
So the other morning,
I'm at the refrigerator...

...getting Billy ready for school.
I'm just in my underwear
and he notices I've lost weight.

He comes in and pats me.
He comes to here.
