Kramer vs. Kramer

...I worked in the art department of
Mademoiselle magazine for years.

Did you continue to work
after you were married?

No. I did not.
Did you wish to?
Yes, but every time I talked to Ted...
To my ex-husband about it,
he wouldn't listen.

He refused to discuss it
in any serious way.

He said that I
probably couldn't get a job...

...that would pay enough
to hire a babysitter.

Tell me, are you employed
at the present time?

I'm a sportswear designer
here in New York.

And what is your present salary?
I make $31,000 a year.
Mrs. Kramer, do you love your child?
Yes, I do, very much.
And yet you chose to leave him.
During the last five years
of our marriage...

...I was becoming more
and more unhappy.

More and more troubled.
And I really needed
somebody to help me...

...but when I turned to Ted, he just...
...wasn't there for me.
So we became more isolated
from one another...

...more and more separate.
He was very involved in his career.
And because of his attitude
towards my fears...

...and his inability
to deal with my feelings...

...I had come to have
almost no self-esteem.

I was scared and I was very unhappy.
In my mind I had no choice
but to leave.

At the time I left, I felt that
there was something wrong with me...

...and that my son would be
better off without me.
