Life of Brian

I was hopping along,
minding my own business.

All of a sudden,
up he comes, cures me!

One minute,
I'm a leper with a trade;

next minute,
my livelihood's gone.

"You're cured, mate".
Bloody dogooder.

Well, why don't you go and tell him
that you want to be a leper again?

I could do that, sir.
Yeah, I could do that, I suppose.

I was gonna ask him if he'd
make me a bit lame in one leg
during the middle of the week.

You know, something beggable but not
leprosy, which is a pain in the ass.

Brian! Come and clean
your room out!

There you are.
Thank you, sir. Thank

Half a denary?
Me bloody life story.

There's no pleasing
some people.

That's just
what Jesus said, sir.

Good afternoon.

Oh, uh, hello, officer.
I'll be with you in a few
moments, all right, dear?

What's he doing here?
Don't start that, Brian.
Go and clean your room out.

Bloody Romans!
Now look, Brian.

If it wasn't for him,
we wouldn't have all this.

And don't you forget it.
We don't owe the Romans anything, Mum.

Well, that's not entirely true.
What do you mean?

Well, you know you were
asking me about your
My nose?

Yes. Well, there's a reason
it's like it is, Brian.

What is it?
Well, I suppose I should've
told you a long time ago

Well, Brian...

your father
isn't Mr. Cohen.

Well, I never thought he was.
None of your cheek!

He was a Roman, Brian.
He was a centurion
in the Roman army.

You mean you were raped?
Well, at first, yes.

Who was it?
Naughtius Maximus, his name was.

Promised me
the known world, he did.

I was to be taken to Rome,
housed by the Forum

slaves, asses' milk,
as much gold as I could eat.
Then he, having his way
with me, he had
