
He led me on! That's the point of it.
Why am I reluctant to criticise him?

Relax. Yale would not do that.
He's not that kind of a guy.

Don't defend him.
You guys all stick up for each other.

Yale has his problems as we all do.
I'm starting to sound like Rabbi Blitzstein.

Well, thanks for letting me come over.
I appreciate it. It's very nice of you.

Tracy and I are going out tonight,
if you wanna come along.

Oh, no, I'll be fine. I'll be OK.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.

- That's a healthy piece of towel paper.
- Oh, gee. God!

Well, goodbye. Thanks a lot.
But my point is a cab driver
doesn't make enough money...

Oh, look at that... that guy's toupee.
That's unbelievable.

That is hilarious. There's a... a...
an inch of cheesecloth. You can see it.

I don't know why, you know,
his loved ones don't tell him.

It's like the toupee dropped on his head
from a window ledge as he was walking.

But look at his wife. Looks like her face
has been lifted about 8,000 times.

I know. It's so plastic. It's so tight.
I hate that. I just hate that. I wish...
Why can't they just age naturally
instead of putting all that junk on?

I know. Old faces are... are nice.
Yeah. They're great.
Hey, be careful. I think
I got black bean sauce in the bed.

Oh, look. It's great.
The late show's a WC Fields film.

Oh, great. We gotta watch that.
Oh, God.
Boy, I really feel good, you know.
I got my life together finally.

You know, I just had to cut this thing off
finally. I'm not the type for affairs.

- D'you ever hear from Mary, or see her?
- No. We just cut it off. It's easier that way.

She's terrific. She deserves more
than a fling with a married guy.

- Yeah, she's screwed up, but great.
- Right up your alley. You oughta call her.
